Thursday, April 21, 2011

That one friend...

We all have that one friend....

Tonight, I saw that one friend. You know, that person who you don't speak to for about six months, then when you get together it's like nothing has changed. Yeah, that person.

Her name is Amanda. We were good friends in high school. She was probably my best friend in high school actually, but we didn't spend as much time together as we should have, and I missed out on a hint that may have changed our lives dramatically, but I'm kind of glad I missed it. 

Anyway, that friend. The person who you may not always think about first about when asked about your friends.  That person who has probably been in your life for awhile. You had a different group of friends. Probably didn't hang out with them TOO much. There was probably a point in your lives where you did spend a lot of time together. Then, something happened. You didn't get into a fight, you just....went your separate ways. One of you may have moved away, one of you may have gone to college, and you just sort of fell out of contact. You may talk here and there, send an occasional text, but certainly not talking every single day.

Then, one day, you see the person. May have been a few months, may have been over a year. But nothing changes. It's like you just saw them yesterday. You guys get back to talking about your lives, where you've been, where you want to go, but just for that one night, it's like you guys are best friends again. You leave, and everything reverts to normal. But here's the thing...

You know that if something happened to you, regardless of where that person was, they would be the FIRST person there. They would drop everything they needed to do to help you out. It doesn't matter if you talked with them the night before, or you didn't talk in a year. They would be there in a heartbeat. 

I think that person may be the most important person in our lives. We might not realize it, but they are. How important is it to know that somebody is out there like that? I'm not talking about family, I'm not talking about a friend you spend your days with, I am talking about that person. 

Think about it. I would bet my life savings (and that isn't much) that you have that person. The objective bystander, if you so choose to call it that. Another great quality about that person is they are truly objective. Most of the time, they aren't around or don't know your group of friends. If you are dying for an objective opinion, that is the perfect person to go to. 

This is obviously my experience with Amanda. I'm not saying all of you have the same experience. And I'm sure some of you reading will say "I know my best friend, I see him/her every single day, I love them, etc." If you are saying that, please reread this, because that is not who I am talking about. It's great to have that person, but I believe that person is even more special. 

Random Compliment:
Amanda (obviously)- I just want to thank you for having my back. We go through our long spells of not talking, not seeing each other (probably my fault), but you really have been amazing for me, for years now. I'm sorry so many awful things have happened to you and I wish I could've been there to support you through them. As I said tonight, you are a strong strong person. Think about all the positives you have going for you, because there are a lot of them. I hope to keep you in my life a long time. You have been awesome. 

Think about taking a few minutes to tell your person the same. Thank them for everything they have done and let them know how special they are to you. 

R.I.P. Kyle

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