I just returned home from paying my final respects to Kyle.
I could not be in more shock from what I saw. The amount of people that came out to say goodbye to him was a spectacle unlike any other. The wait to get inside on a cold and windy day was upwards of two hours, yet people came out and stood there. Why? To say goodbye and thank you to a person who touched the hearts and lives of so many others.
I mentioned in previous posts about Kyle's contribution to STN. But he was so much more than just STN. Kyle was a resident assistant for three a half years, he was on the Village Community Council, and if that wasn't enough, he was a volunteer firefighter. He didn't drink or do drugs, he didn't smoke, he just helped every person that came to him and even those who didn't.
I pray that Kyle was somehow able to see the outpouring of support for him today. The amount of people and the diversity of them was staggering. He touched so many people from some many different places. I may search for the rest of my life and never find anybody who measured up to what he did.
When we were talking today, the topic that kept coming up was "why did he do it?" That would be the standard question to ask, and it's something I have wondered, but I think it's unfair to his memory to dwell on that. Instead of questioning his death, we should be celebrating his life. In such a short time, he did so much for so many people.
I wish I would've spent longer inside the parlor. I ended up getting there early and I was in and out within 10 minutes. I should've sat down. I should've honored his life longer. I wish I did. I was nervous, I was feeling uneasy and I didn't want to cry. I wish I did. I feel like I let you down Kyle, and I'm sorry. You were always there for me and I wasn't there long enough for you.
I said in my last post that we should give people compliments more often, so I'm going to attempt to compliment someone in every post. I won't know if they read it, but I hope they do.
Random Compliment:
Suzie: Me and you I don't think have ever truly seen eye-to-eye. We are different people, we always will be. But you have such a talent. What that talent is? Seems to be whatever you try. You were an amazing reporter, you are an amazing photographer and when you were doing shooting and editing, you were amazing at that too. I hope you are able to pick something you truly love and go with it, make a career out of it and become the best at all. I know you have it in you.
I hope Kyle is finally able to rest now. I hope he was able to see just how many people loved him.
R.I.P. Kyle
People are just souls in human form. His energy will be with for as long as you wish and call it you. Don't worry that you didn't sit there long enough. He isn't disappointed with that. What matters is what you do next. Keep his memory alive, but don't let it hold you back from succeeding and moving forward. He'll be with you. It's times like these when having FAITH is what will get you through. Keep your head up.