Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Have I found my new love? Probably not. But in the past week and a half, I've gone to three different parks, three different trails, and honestly, it's been amazing. Ilene, if you are reading this and laughing silently in your mind, bite me. 

But really, walking around those areas is so relaxing to me. I have enough issues going on right now. Sitting on a rock next to waterfall just kind of makes everything go away for like, an hour or so. Also helps to get my lazy ass in shape, which is desperately needed.

I really don't have much to write about. I haven't written in two weeks because honestly, there hasn't been much to say. Nothing has changed in my life. Certainly nothing has gotten any better. 

I have been doing my best to spend more time with people, and have made a point to communicate more with people who I have lost or fallen out of contact with. Last Thursday, Ilene came home and we hung out. Honestly, it was one of the better experiences I've had in the past year. We didn't do anything overly special. We had lunch, went to a park in Boonton, spent something like three hours just sitting by a pond, talking, went to a carnival (which by the way is no where near as much fun as they are when you are 12), and hung out at her place for awhile. It was nice reconnecting with someone who I had thought I had lost. We made a point to talk more often, and I hope we stick with it. 

On the point of her, she got a job! Technical producing in Springfield. I have been fighting my own jealously a bit on this one, but honestly I am so happy for her. This is a great step and a huge one, and I'm not sure there is anybody out there more deserving. Just make sure you kick ass while you are there. I know you will. 

*Another shout out to Tyler, who also got a job working at a I believe. Congrats Tyler!!!

Besides spending time with her, I have gotten closer to Michelle who is doing her best attempt at moving on. Hope it works out! I spent the day with Alex yesterday, who just recently got home for Australia. Ahh those stories, so jealous! It was awesome to see her again. 

One person I've fallen pretty much out of contact with is Courtney. That one is really difficult, considering how close we were all of maybe a month ago. Some tough things have been happening to her and I just want you to know (if you are reading this) that I am always there for you. I know you know that. Miss you friend.

And that's it. It has been a difficult time for me. I am feeling lonely, and with all these people getting jobs and beginning their lives, it is even more difficult for me. But as I said above, I am extremely happy for you guys and the hard work you have put in makes you overly deserving of all the great things that happen to you. 

Random Compliment:
Courtney - I can't remember if I have given you one of these already, but I feel like you may need it. Keep your head up. I can't say I am as familiar with what is going on with you as I have been in the past, but I know you are strong. That certainly hasn't changed. You are bright, you are funny, you are awesome. Keep smiling, keep trudging along. Eventually, you'll be rewarded.

Song Currently Stuck in my Head:
The Cave- Mumford & Sons

R.I.P. Kyle

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