Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My New Life...

Things have changed a lot in the past few weeks. It kind of happened all at once...

Starting with the news from the last post that I think everyone already knows, I have a girlfriend. I'm dating Ilene, which is seems like many of the people who knew us are absolutely shocked by. For these people, I ask you to read my post about college/post college relationships. Yes, me and her had differences in college. She knows I wasn't a huge fan of who she was in school. But guess what? School is over. We are both starting our lives. And we have found that we love spending time together, and we get along very well. I am extremely happy to be with her and I hope it lasts for a long time.

I started my job at FOX on Monday as a voice captioner. Let me tell you, it is freakin difficult. Seriously, I don't think I have ever done anything so hard. I know I've only been there three days, but I'm already starting to doubt whether or not I can do it. Some people have the ability to do it and some don't. I'm worried that I don't. But I'm not one to give up, so I will keep trying until they fire me or I get it. Hopefully it's the latter. 

Besides that, I'm just trying to get everything together. I keep forgetting that I'm actually here for school and that starts in a week. I'm honestly not looking forward to it. I'd still rather do the full-time job thing over going back to school, but what can I do? I'm committed. 

To summarize, I'm happy. For once. Things still aren't where I want them but I feel like they are moving in the right direction, which is a huge step over the past year. Ilene, I want you to thank you for giving me a chance and I hope I don't let you down. <3

Song Currently Stuck in my Head:
Never Let You Down - The Verve Pipe

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