Thursday, July 7, 2011

Casey Anthony

This will probably be an unpopular post, but I don't care.

The uproar surrounding Casey Anthony's not guilty verdict has gotten to the point where I have to say something.

She was found NOT guilty people. I love how as soon as the verdict comes out, every single person in the world apparently pulled out their law degree. We all are now top lawyers. "She was guilty! Look at all the evidence that one network I watched for an hour showed me as to why she was guilty! HOW could she be found innocent?"

Look, as Americans we give the jurors and the judges the power to make these decisions. We have to live with the decisions we get. I have no idea if Casey Anthony killed her daughter or not, but guess what? Neither do you. The only person who knows for sure is Casey Anthony. The jurors made the decision that she did not do it. So in my eyes, she did not do it. You have no right to say anything if she was found innocent.

I've been hearing that some of the jurors are actually receiving death threats. Seriously? America, grow up. What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? Not in this trial. The second this woman stepped up to the stand, the media and public were convinced of her guilt. And you know what? You were proven wrong. I loved watching CNN with the one expert who KNEW she was going to be guilty based on how long deliberations went on, and then had to eat his words when the verdict came out. So much for being unbiased.

Unless you were in the courtroom, one of the jurors, or a lawyer working on this case, you do not know all evidence and you have no right to be making verdicts of your own. This was an impossible decision this jury had to make and I'm sure it took its tole on them.

I'm not saying we should feel sorry for this woman. She obviously is an idiot, a waste of life, lied to detectives at least four times and probably should be rotting in jail for the rest of her life. But she isn't. She will be released on July 13th and we all need to accept that. If you can't accept that, either go to law school, become a judge, or shut the hell up.

R.I.P Kyle. And Caylee.

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