So yesterday when I logged onto Yahoo, I got a notification that I haven't checked my e-mail address from there in oh, about a year. I opened it up to reveal upwards of three thousand e-mails in there, most of which were either porn, sports, and some other stupid things I signed up for in the past seven years. After spending a good half hour deleting all those e-mails, I opened up my sent messages, just to see when and what the last e-mail I had sent from there was. (It was nothing) I had right around 150 sent messages in there, so I started deleting them. Then I came across a long string of e-mails between myself and a dear friend I had back in middle/high school (aka 2003). It wasn't about anything of relevance, but it got me thinking holy hell, that was 8 years ago?!?!?
It's amazing to look back and see how far technology has come and how fast it is moving. To clarify a bit, e-mail was all the rage, texting was barely a glint in our eye, and having apps on our cell phones? HA, very funny.
This is probably something similar to what your phone looks like today. You know the second you recieve an e-mail. Want to check out what's happening on Facebook or Twitter while at work? Sure, go ahead. Need to switch some money into your account for an emergency purchase? Just give me a sec. It's insane. I could literally sit in bed all day with my phone and manage to get done everything I need to.
Now...get ready...
This is the Motorola T720. Believe it or not, this was the top selling cell phone in 2003. You could text on it, in black and white. You could check the time. Hell you might've even been able to take a grainy, low-contrast photo. And oh yeah, you could call someone. (crazy right?)
2003 televisions. Boy do I miss my box set. Crappy picture. The only people who could afford those fancy new flat screens were those rich pricks who you never seemed to like too much.
Yes, that is a giant turtle swimming out of television set. Looks ridiculous. Yet, at work we are currently selling these (3D TV for those of you who aren't too smart up there), at the price of a little over 2,000 dollars. Those plain boring flat screens, come as cheap as about 300 dollars.
Last but not least, this lovely little device (not so little back in the day), the iPod. I believe I had one of these at one point in my life. This was the only model available for a long time at the beginning of the iPod phase. Held about 1,000 songs, which wasn't bad for the time. It played music. That's it. No picture taking. No video taking. No photo uploading. No games.(besides brickbreaker <3)
Today's iPods. I see color! I won't even get into the touch, which can do more then an iPod was ever meant to do. The highest calibar iPod today holds somewhere in the range of 20,000 songs, not to mention videos and all that other crap. Who the hell listens to 20,000 songs at once? Overkill? Yeah, a bit.
Anyway, all this happened in only 8 years. Doesn't sound like that long. I'm scared to see by 2020 how much technology will be running (ruining) our lives, if we can't live without it now. I don't know about you, but it makes me appreciate the men and women in the early part of 19th and 20th century who lived without it. I feel like they must've been better communicaters then ourselves, considering they actually talked to each other once in awhile.
Don't get me wrong, obviously technology has done some wonderful things for society. Where would we be without hospitals? Would people be able to survive the common cold. Yes, advancements have done great things for us. But when is enough, enough? Hell, we just had a supercomputer kick the shit out of two human minds on Jeopardy! Maybe the Terminator movies weren't that far off....
Take this into account, next time you can't take your eyes off your cell phone or computer screen. When you are with someone, don't pull out your phone to text someone every 30 seconds. Learn to have a conversation with someone. It's a lost art these days...
Song currently stuck in my head:
F*ck You- Cee Lo Green
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